Simple No-Bake Cheesecake

Who doesn’t loveĀ a good cheesecake?! (If you don’t, you’re crazy) This recipe is so simple yet so delicious. It is for a no-bake cheesecake so all you have to do is mix some ingredients together then throw it in the fridge! It is a basic, plain cheesecake so feel free to add any flavourings or other tasty ingredients to it and let us know how you got on!



  • 300g plain digestive biscuits
  • 200g melted butter
  • 20g butter
  • 250g cream cheese
  • 175ml double cream
  • 80g icing sugar


  1. Use the 20g butter to line the cake tin you are going to make your cheesecake in.
  2. Put all the biscuits into a food bag and crush the biscuits with the end of a rolling pin, or something similar, until the biscuits are crumbs.
  3. Meanwhile, melt the 200g butter.
  4. Put the crushed biscuits into a mixing bowl and add the melted butter. Stir the butter through the biscuit until you have a thick mixture.
  5. Put the crumb mixture into your cake tin and press down with the back of a spoon to form your base. Place in the refrigerator to set.
  6. Add cream cheese to a mixing bow, add the double cream and whisk until you have a thick, creamy mixture.
  7. Add the icing sugar into the bowl and stir well until you have a smooth, thick mixture.
  8. Take your cake tin base and spoon your mixture onto it, smoothing with as you go.
  9. Finish off by adding your toppings and place in the fridge to set (I leave mine overnight).


  • If you want to add any flavourings, fruit etc, add them to the mixture along with the icing sugar at stage 7.
  • The first time I made this cheesecake, I found the biscuit base too thick in comparison to the topping. If you don’t like too much biscuit in your cheesecake, I would recommend either cutting down the amount of biscuit base, or increasing the filling.

Let us know how you got on with this recipe and share with us any tips/other recipes you love!