Quit your job and make cakes – My journey so far!


We are really excited to launch nationwide delivery next month…Yay! After 2 years of hand delivering our cakes we can finally send by courier. It’s a brilliant feeling and feeling really chuffed with ourselves. Britain is still going baking mad and many of you will dream of quitting your job and making cakes or chasing your dream in other ways so I thought I’d share my journey with you so far:

I started making cupcake bouquets in July 2011 while working as a clothing designer/technologist at Trespass HQ in Glasgow. It was a big organisation with lots of staff so as word and cakes got around I ended up making 3 or 4 cupcake bouquets at night and attempting to deliver them around my working day.  Money & orders were rolling in so I was thinking I’m going to quit my job, get a website and be rich!  Woohooo…Simples!

In September 2011 I quit my job, sold my convertible and bought a second hand Fiat Doblo van. I then got my first website and started selling cakes online, making them in my dad’s kitchen.


The great thing about being in a workplace is you are surrounded by lots of people and prospective customers who you can sell to without spending on advertising so I now was beginning to struggle financially.  I had a huge clear out and sold all of my clothing and possessions on ebay biding some more time.

In December 2011 I had a really bright idea (not) that I would do a group on type deal! Let’s get lots of new customers and free advertising – Brilliant idea Pauline until you get 200 orders lol! That sure was an experience especially as 25% of them wanted them that week! I made cakes all night and delivered by van during day. Deliveries were all over the Glasgow and Lanarkshire area meaning covering over 120 miles and 7 hour of driving.  There’s no doubt about it was a hellish time but I fulfilled all the orders and got lots and lots of new customers and business started to grow – Result!

Here’s just  some of the disasters below:

1. Calamity Jane – We didn’t have a packaging solution at that stage so all cakes were hand delivered without packaging. During the winter months this meant balancing over ice and snow and yip lots of cakes volleyed in the air.

2. Recipient not home – Unlike flowers which come from a local depot and can be re-delivered, I was delivering to some houses approx 25 miles away so the goal was to get the cake delivered and order fulfilled. Most times I could leave with a neighbour but lots and lots of times there would be no one home in entire street meaning you had to return later in the day.

3. Cakes melting – Thankfully we have resolved this issue now but we had to re-make over 15 bouquets one day due to icing melting in the heat.

4. House Numbers – The amount of houses which don’t have a house number on them…….gggggrrrrrrrr!

4. Delivery driver –  Deciding to trial a delivery driver to drop off our cakes. Driving at 100 mile an hour and cake delivery defo doesn’t work! He was back in 20 minutes with 8 ruined cupcake bouquets.

4. Dogs – On arriving at recipient’s house and being attacked by dogs  – cake going flying!

All of the above ended in lots of tears but I can have a wee laugh at it now. I’m sure we will still have a lot more disasters as business grows but things are looking a little bit rosier for now.

Pauline x

Crowdfund – One year on!

Crowdfunding – Asking a bunch of strangers to fund your business idea…Sounds absolutely crazy right?

Crowdfunding is huge in America with the likes of Kickstarter being the largest platform to raise funds. The phenomenon is really taking off here in the U.K allowing entrepreneurs to access alternative options for funds during the recession.

We launched a crowdfund via Bloomvc.com in August last year and succesfully raised £1300 for packaging development to send our cakes nationwide. We are so excited to launch nationwide delivery next month and it’s all down to the help of 14 customers and complete strangers.

Some crowdfund platforms are equity based but Bloomvc.com works by rewarding backers in return for money. If you don’t raise the full amount that you need then you don’t get a penny.

I offered lots of yummy cake and listed each person as a founder on my website cake-cetera.co.uk After perfecting the packaging I am now able to send goodies to my backers and plan to use them as guinea pigs for new products and feedback so they feel part of my journey and success.

Crowdfunding will only work for you if you put the work in. I’ve listed a few wee tips that might help if your thinking about it!

1. Build up your contacts/supporters/followers/customers first.

2. Don’t expect to upload your fund and wait on backers. You will have to spend time  every day generating interest on social media. Prepare to lose followers.

3. Expect negativity. You are asking people for money to fund your idea.

4. Reward your crowdfunders with rewards that reflect your company

5. Update your funders regularly and make them feel part of your success.

6. Don’t give up. I received £600 on the very last day from a complete stranger who has also been great in providing advice and support.

You can read more about my crowdfund below:

Pauline x


Wedding – Ingliston Country Club

We get to set up our cakes and goodies at some amazing venues but yesterday’s was just sooooo beautiful. Ingliston Country Club is an equestrian centre/hotel in Bishopton set in the countryside yet a ten minute drive from Glasgow.

The hotel was the scene for Louise Kelly and Gary Lyle’s wedding and as Scotland is still enjoying the heatwave they decided to get married outside. What a gorgeous setting!  Guests then get to stay overnight in the little lodges.

You can find more info on the hotel on their website: http://www.ingliston.com   Here’s some photos from yesterday too:ImageImageImageImage

Pop Up Shop – The Entrepreneurs, Princes Square, Glasgow

28 shops shut every day in the UK meaning our high streets are turning into dead towns! One in every six retail premises lies empty yet there are so many entrepreneurs and small businesses who are fighting to get their products in customer’s hands.

Can a pop up shop be that little ray of hope for small businesses in the recession? We think so but there’s no time for thinking….let’s #godo something about it.

We teamed up with 13 other small businesses from E-Spark (www.entrepreneurial-Spark.com) to organise our very first pop up shop ‘The Entrepreneurs’. We found an empty shop in Glasgow’s Princes Square and devised a plan on turning this from a shell into a stylish shop. This wasn’t going to be any normal shop as we had a variety of products ranging from Fat Free Drizzles,  ‘Powernap’ – a revolutionary travel pillow to ‘Bella Brilla’ and luxury wedding accessories.

We begged and borrowed wooden pallets, wine crates and a till. We were going for the shabby chic look! (Skint).  ‘Dwell’ in Princes Square kindly agreed to let us use their spare contemporary furniture (You  don’t ask, you don’t get.. right?) and the plan all came together nicely.

We launched on the Friday night with a VIP launch night which Councillor Gordon Mathieson and Sir Willie Haughey attended then traded on the Saturday and the Sunday.

The Pop Up Shop was a brilliant success and we collectively brought in over £6000 in the two days. Mary Portas would have been delighted…we will definitely be popping up again soon!

Check out a video and photos of the weekend below:



Scottish Fashion Awards 2012

This time last year we were in the middle of creating over 600 cupcakes, 30 cupcake bouquets and building a cupcake dress for the Scottish Fashion Awards! The glitzy annual event was held in Glasgow’s SECC and we were delighted to be one of the sponsors!

We were briefed to tie in goodies with the fashion theme with the golden jubilee colours and through lots of blood, sweat and tears we created a cupcake dress! Nominees, Celebs and VIP’s including Alexa Chung indulged in our cupcakes and loved our unique creation.

The night was an amazing experience and we even got to meet David Gandy! Have a wee peek at our video from the night:



Joanne McGillivray’s Launch Night – 29, Glasgow

Joanne McGillivray is definitely one to watch! Joanne, who studied fashion at Heriot-Watt University, won the prestigious fashion graduate of the year award at the 2012 Scottish fashion Awards and we were delighted when she asked us to provide goodies at her collection launch night in 29, Glasgow.



Joanne is already making her mark in the fashion world after beating off stiff competition to design a dress for M&S’s Limited Collection. The dress is on sale in stores across the UK.

Her debut collection was inspired by a trip to St Petersburg in Russia,  appealing to women who are “classical and feminine”. http://joannemcgillivraystudio.tumblr.com/
